DECISION on the full legal and political commitment to represent the Republic of Artsakh and the people of Artsakh on international platforms and protect their rights


of the Republic of Western Armenia (State of Armenia) on the full legal and political commitment to represent the Republic of Artsakh and the people of Artsakh on international platforms and protect their rights

 On the full legal and political commitment to represent the Republic of Artsakh and the people of Artsakh on international platforms and protect their rights.

Today, the illegal act of dissolution of the Republic of Artsakh took place, as the last genocidal act of abolishing statehood in the territory where it managed to survive after the Genocide that happened a hundred years ago.

Considering the illegal decree of the President of the Republic of Artsakh Samvel Shahramanyan of September 28, 2023, where it is written: “until January 1, 2024, dissolve all state institutions and organizations under their departmental authority, and the Republic of Nagorno Karabakh (Artsakh) ceases to exist”, which contradicts the Constitution of the Republic of Artsakh and the Declaration of Independence.

Considering the aggression unleashed by the Republic of Azerbaijan on September 27, 2020 and the 44-day war, the use of prohibited weapons, the direct participation of the Republic of Turkey, the involvement of mercenary terrorists from the Middle East, the actions of the alliance of countries hostile to Armenia, especially the 9-month complete blockade of Artsakh, the large-scale aggression against the Sovereign Republic of Artsakh on September 19, 2023, which started and continues to this day the policy of ethnic cleansing, deportation and genocide against the Armenians of Artsakh.

Within 10 days, more than 100,000 of the 120,000 population of the Republic of Artsakh emigrated to the Republic of Armenia, fleeing the genocidal actions of the criminal regime of Azerbaijan. As a result of the Armenian Genocide, ethnic cleansing and expatriation in the Republic of Artsakh, as in the recent past in the Armenian Autonomy of Nakhichevan, not a single native Armenian resident will remain.

Considering that the commitment of the government of the Republic of Armenia not to protect Artsakh and the rights of the Armenians of Artsakh contradicts the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia and the Declaration of Independence.

Considering that the First Republic of Armenia and the Second Republic of Armenia under the conditions of aggression and coercion (Treaty of Alexandropol, 02.12.1920 and Treaty of Kars, 13.10.1921) had to withdraw from the unified Armenian demands in 1920, from the scope of the rights granted to the Armenian people and the Armenian state (the State of Armenia), being forced to remain only within the framework of the rights and powers of the Republic of Armenia.

Taking into account that the Third Republic of Armenia repeated through the official statements of its presidents that it is excluded from the Armenian people and the Armenian state (the State of Armenia) in 1918-1920 according to the unified Armenian demands, from the given rights, and is forced to remain within the rights and competences of the Republic of Armenia, in other words, within the rights and powers of the Armenians of Eastern Armenia and Eastern Armenia, and transfers the case of pursuing that issue to the Armenian people, to the broad Armenian circles.

Considering that the current regime of the Republic of Armenia refused to protect the right to self-determination of the Artsakh Armenians, which contradicts one of the three main principles accepted by the International Community: “exclusion of the use of force or threat of force, exercise of the right of peoples to self-determination, respect for territorial integrity”, and contradicts to the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence of the Republic of Armenia.

Considering the fact that the so-called “peace treaty” currently being drawn up between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Armenia will actually be considered an illegal treaty imposed by force on the Armenian people and the Republic of Armenia, which cannot in any way ensure long-term peace between the two countries and peoples.

Taking into account that the coalition hostile to the Armenian people and its proxy tools, Turkey and Azerbaijan, all together, as terrorist states, carried out the Genocide and deportation of the Armenians of Artsakh in Artsakh.

Given that the consequences of a crime cannot give rise to rights (“Ex injuria non oritur jus”).

Taking into account that the state terrorist policy against the Armenian people and Armenian civilization for more than 130 years was carried out on an ethnic-national basis and based on the anti-human-Armenian ideology of Pan-Turkism and Pan-Turanism. This is also evidenced by the terrorist criminal policy and program adopted by them against the Armenian culture and civilizational heritage, the purpose of which is to erase the Armenian trace in the entire region, the entire Armenian highlands and the surrounding areas.

Taking into account that Diaspora Armenians are a collective formed as a result of the Armenian Genocide and deportation, and that all Armenian national state problems, including all current challenges and threats, are directly related to it.

Considering that the Republic of Western Armenia (the State of Armenia) and the Armenians scattered around the world have chosen the path of standing up for the joint rights granted to the Armenian people and the State of Armenia by the International Community for the final and fair settlement of the Armenian Question of 1918-1920.

Considering the two petitions of the Republic of Western Armenia (State of Armenia) addressed to the United Nations:

“Regarding the border (demarcation) between the State of Armenia and the Republic of Azerbaijan”, August 7, 2019,

“Proposal to take decisive action for the peaceful, fair and final settlement of the Artsakh conflict and delimitation between the State of Armenia and the Republic of Azerbaijan under the auspices of the United Nations”, 17.06.2023,

as well as

“Recognizing the independence of the Republic of Artsakh (the Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh)” Decision, 22.02.2023.

The Republic of Western Armenia (the State of Armenia) decides:

  1. The Republic of Western Armenia (the State of Armenia), until the restoration of the state structures of the Republic of Artsakh, undertakes all the legal and political commitment to represent the Republic of Artsakh and the people of Artsakh on international platforms and legal subjects, states, and protect their rights.
  2. To involve Artsakh representatives as MPs in the state structures of the Republic of Western Armenia (State of Armenia), as well as for vacant seats in the National Assembly (Parliament) of Western Armenia through additional elections (co-optation).
  3. To create the institute of the protector of the states of the Armenian civilization, the state of Armenia: the Republic of Western Armenia, Cilicia, the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Artsakh, the Armenian Autonomy of Nakhichevan and Javakhk.
  4. Establish and operate a Permanent Tribunal of the Indigenous Peoples of the Greater Middle East and Western Near Caspian.

The Republic of Western Armenia (the State of Armenia) offers:

  1. To regulate the action of supporting and helping the Armenians of Artsakh who were deported from Artsakh and settled in Armenia. In other words, the given community — the given marz, so that the help and assistance is organized in a regulated, clear manner. It is proposed to confirm the list of the regions, cities and settlements of Armenia where Armenians deported from Artsakh are settled, and to establish direct contact with their administrative bodies in order to direct systematic support.
  2. To list all the human, material and other losses of the Armenians of Artsakh, in order to present them later to national and international courts.
  3. To appeal to the UN and UNESCO to obtain funds and take out of Artsakh the Armenian historical and cultural heritage, among which the khachkars.

The Republic of Western Armenia (the State of Armenia) calls:

To request the Armenian people scattered around the world, foreign parties, public, political, cultural and religious organizations, spiritual leaders, youth, women’s organizations in their place of residence and elsewhere to initiate an international judicial process in 1894-1896 to judge the murderous and criminal leaders of the two terrorist states that carried out the Armenian Genocide that began in Ottoman Turkey, continued in the Republic of Azerbaijan since 1918, and to this day.

In this situation, the entire Armenian people is already a political entity, which is authorized to solve all the issues related to the prevention of real threats and challenges to the entire Armenian people. The Armenian people all over the world have the right and must turn to the international community, international organizations, the UN, etc. For the Armenian people, such a coordinated action is a vital strategy to suppress all genocidal actions carried out by global forces and to prevent Genocides.

We consider it necessary to emphasize the following:

The Republic of Western Armenia (the State of Armenia) will never come to terms with the realities of the present imposed on Artsakh, the Armenians of Artsakh, the Armenian people by aggressor and terrorist states, including the fact of the occupation of Artsakh, just as it did not reconcile with the realities of the occupation of Western Armenia and Armenian Cilicia.

The Republic of Western Armenia (the State of Armenia) will never come to terms with this vassal status imposed on the Republic of Armenia from inside and outside.

The State of Armenia, the Republic of Western Armenia, taking into account all the listed realities, from this moment on, acts as an independent national state structure of the entire Armenian people and submits a bid to lead the Armenian people’s struggle for life, freedom and future.

This Decision is addressed to the Republic of Artsakh, the Republic of Armenia and the Armenian people scattered around the world, it was sent to the Secretary General of the United Nations, the Security Council of the United Nations and the leaders of the permanent member states of the Security Council of the United Nations.

Martik Gasparyan
President of the Republic of Western Armenia (State of Armenia)

Tigran Pashabezyan
Prime Minister of the Republic of Western Armenia (State of Armenia).

Armen Ter-Sarkisyan
President of the National Assembly (Parliament) of Western Armenia

September 29, 2023

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