APPEAL The State of Armenia (Republic of Western Armenia) on Modern Threats, Challenges, and Vision of the Future, Dialogue of Civilizations, Cultures, and Religions

Today, as a result of the activities of adherents to the parasitic paradigm on Planet Earth, the structure of the Yalta world order established following the Second World War has been completely dismantled. With the absence of the Yalta Peace in the contemporary world, the fundamental documents of the Paris Peace Conference and the Decisions of the League of Nations following the First World War serve as the cornerstone for today’s and tomorrow’s world order.

Of all the decisions made by the world community, only the issue of Kurdish autonomy and the sovereignty of Wilson’s Armenia remained unresolved. Moreover, within the framework of an illegal transaction and project orchestrated by Trotsky and Ataturk, Armenia was occupied, dismembered, and its population subjected to genocide. A state-reservation was created on a small part of its territory to legitimize all genocidal actions against the Armenian people, both past and present, with signatures of complicity spanning the periods of the Ottoman Empire and the entire Armenian Highlands.

The ideological inspirers, organizers, implementers, and main beneficiaries of the Armenian Genocide and the Greatest Culturcide in the territory of the Ottoman Empire and the Western Caspian region are unpunished transnational dark forces. They served as the “midwife” for all forms of Pan-Turkism, Nazism, Fascism, radicalism, and xenophobia during the late 19th and entire 20th centuries.

Such a separate agreement between Ittihat-Kemalist Turkey and the ideas of permanent revolution of Bolshevik Russia led to the lack of recognition by the League of Nations of the eastern borders of Turkey and the southern borders of Russia.

Turkey, Azerbaijan, and Northern Cyprus in the civilization area have stolen, destroyed, and annexed cultural heritage and property of Armenians and other indigenous peoples, artificially and illegally forming so-called falsified regimes of foreign nomads – Turk-Oghuz, Azerbaijanis, and Turkish-Cypriots. They are unfaithful Muslims! Islam is not implicated in the Genocide of Armenians and other indigenous peoples. Islam-professing nations of the Greater Middle East saved Armenians and other indigenous peoples from the Genocide.

Today, we are witnessing the final acts of destruction by the remnants of the Armenian state-reservation. The “legitimate” abolition of the state-reservation must acknowledge both the lack of subjectivity of the state-reservation and the absence of its “Right of Demand”. As conceived by the designer, the central role in legitimizing the procedure for abolishing the state-reservation belongs to the managing administration of such a reservation (to the government of the Republic of Armenia).

In the current situation, the entire Armenian people are already a political subject, competent to resolve all issues related to the prevention of real threats and challenges against the entire Armenian people, including attempts at forcible delimitation and demarcation of the border of the Republic of Armenia.

All actions or inactions of participating internal and external players, entities, legal and natural persons, public organizations, and their heads have been procedurally inventoried, audited, and analyzed for more than a century. Independent professional qualimetric assessments are conducted, extrajudicial expert opinions are drafted, and based on digitalization and artificial intelligence, they are scrutinized for the determination of the Military Tribunal of the Armenian civilization.

We strongly condemn the activities of Nikol Pashinyan and his kakistocrats(1), who have usurped the position of Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia, a wavering vassal formation of the reservation state “Republic of Armenia”. He does not in any way represent all Armenians or Armenian statehood. All documents and agreements that he has signed or will sign, whether with the dictator of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, who has committed numerous crimes against humanity, or with representatives of various levels and calibers of the dark forces of world usury involved in a century-old unpunished genocidal mechanism, cannot have a legal basis and will be unconditionally nullified by the Armenian people. They subject the entire Armenian people to Meritocide (2).

All decisions made by the state-reservation administration will be nullified in the future.

The State of Armenia (Republic of Western Armenia) asserts its authority to declare that the administration of the state-reservation is not empowered to make any decisions regarding the fate of the Armenian people, as well as certain territories of the area of the Armenian civilization, including the territory of the state-reservation.

The State of Armenia (Republic of Western Armenia) condemns all actions of the government of the Republic of Azerbaijan towards the Armenians of the Republic of Artsakh and the Western Caspian region as genocide.

Taking into account:

– The illegal Decree of the President of the Republic of Artsakh, Samvel Shahramanyan, dated September 28, 2023, on the liquidation of the Republic of Artsakh, which contradicted the Constitution of the Republic of Artsakh and the Declaration of Independence.

– The 44-day war unleashed by the Republic of Azerbaijan on September 27, 2020, with the use of prohibited weapons, direct participation of the Republic of Turkey, involvement of terrorist mercenaries from the Middle East, and actions of a coalition of countries hostile to Armenia.

– Especially the complete 9-month blockade of the Republic of Artsakh, deportation, destruction, appropriation of historical and cultural heritage and property, falsification of history, and full-scale aggression against the sovereign Republic of Artsakh, which began on September 19, 2023, and continues to this day, including the policy of ethnic cleansing, deportation, and genocide against the Armenians of Artsakh and the Western Caspian region (i.e., the so-called Republic of Azerbaijan).

Until the restoration of the state structures of the Republic of Artsakh, the State of Armenia (Republic of Western Armenia) assumes all legal and political obligations to represent the Republic of Artsakh and the people of Artsakh and protect their rights on international platforms and legal entities – states, in accordance with the decision made on September 29, 2023.

The State of Armenia (Republic of Western Armenia) reaffirms the decision adopted on March 29, 2011, “On Permanent, Armed, and Positive Neutrality of the Armenians of Western Armenia and Western Armenia itself.”

The State of Armenia (Republic of Western Armenia) confirms its commitment to protect the rights granted to the Armenian people by the international community, including:

– The Treaty of Sèvres of August 10, 1920.

– The non-statutory and retroactive Arbitral Award of the 28th President of the United States of America, Woodrow Wilson, dated November 22, 1920.

– The Report-proposal of the Special Commission of the Paris Peace Conference on determining the borders of the state of Armenia, dated February 24, 1920.

– The discussion on the adoption of the mandate of Armenia in the US Senate from May 29 to June 1, 1920, indicating the “de facto” recognition by the United States of America of the right and title of the state of Armenia to Armenian territories, thereby annulling the right and title of the Ottoman Empire to these territories.

– The implementation of these rights and titles over the territories of the area of the Armenian civilization, including the issue of delimitation and demarcation of the border between the State of Armenia and the Republic of Azerbaijan, and the demarcation of the border between the State of Armenia and the Republic of Turkey, acting as a continuity state to the state of Armenia, recognized de facto and de jure in 1920.

At the same time, we declare that the representative of the Armenian civilization, representing all Armenians and carrying out the civilizational mission of the Armenian people, is HAYK.

The legitimate and legal representative in matters of protection and implementation of the rights of the Armenian people granted by the international community, up to the “Right of Demand,” is the State of Armenia (Republic of Western Armenia).

Martik Gasparyan
President of the State of Armenia (Republic of Western Armenia)

Tigran Pashabezyan
Prime Minister of the State of Armenia (Republika Zapadnaya Armenia)

Armen Ter-Sarkisyan
President of the National Assembly (Parliament) of Western Armenia

March 31, 2024


1․ (eng. Kakistocracy from the ancient Greek kakiotoc “worst”) – a system of government run by the worst, least qualified and most unscrupulous citizens.

2․ Meritocide is the deliberate destruction of the best forces in society.

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