Tigran Babayan

Babayan Tigran

Results of elections for the training of the National Assembly (Parliament) of Western Armenia

Results of elections for the training of the National Assembly (Parliament) of Western Armenia

According The Statement of National Council of Western Armenia, Government of Western Armenia and the special Committee for the training of the National Assembly of Western Armenia, 24th of May, 2013, 22th of November, 2013, 08:00 hours, on 1st December, 2013 00:00 hours, for the first time in the history of the Armenian People, all over the world, took place the elections of deputies of  the National Assembly parliement of Western Armenia.

Elections are in direct and in the secret ballot. Continue reading

DECLARATION of formation of the National Assembly (Parliament) of Western Armenia

Paris, France, May 24, 2013

Dear compatriots,
The National Council of Western Armenia, the Government-in-Exile of Western Armenia and Special  Commission on the formation of the National Assembly (Parliament) of Western Armenia, taking responsibility for the development and establishment of Public Institutions of Western Armenia, preservation of the existence and identity of the Armenian people, the restoration and reconstruction of the economy of Western Armenia,


  • The decision to form the National Assembly (Parliament) of Western Armenia to consolidate the forces of the Armenian people;
  • The decision to adopt the fundamental requirements of the Armenian people to the ”Armenian issue”, considering the basis of the principles of national unity and immutable law;
  • The decision to adopt a single resolution to the ”Armenian issue”, that is the Armenian people must live in one self-sufficient and, in the future, in the United and Independent Armenian State.

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