Category: Media

Armenian appointed to Lebanon government central council after 10 years

The Armenian community of Lebanon has a State Shura Council General Inspector in the country’s government, and after ten years. Houri Der Sarkissian, 43, has been appointed to this position, after a long effort. Der Sarkissian told Armenian that after graduating from Armenian school, she studied at the French University where she got a …

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Iran to return 629-year-old bell to Armenian church in Akhtamar

Iran will return a 629-year-old bell belonging to the Armenian Holy Cross Church on Akhatamar Island in Van, Asbarezwrites. The bell appeared in Iran under unknown circumstances. It has been on display at the Anthropology museum in the north-western city of Urumieh, “We have begun a policy of returning all historical monuments and artifacts in Iran …

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ISIL’s ‘genocide’ against Yazidis is ongoing, UN rights panel says, calling for international action

Marking three years since the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL/Da’esh) attacked the Yazidis in Syria, a United Nations-mandated inquiry has called for justice and rescue plans. “The Commission of Inquiry calls on the international community to recognize the crime of genocide being committed by ISIL against the Yazidis and to undertake steps to refer …

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Chancellor of Austria: Turkey’s membership to EU is ruled out

According to Kern, Turkey’s membership to EU is ruled out, while the expansion of the customs union is possible only if Turkey fulfills the tough conditions required for a rightful state. He noted that Turkey should act for creating “an element of new relations between the EU and Turkey.” Kern also noted that Turkey largely …

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Former US envoy: ISIS genocide against Christians and Yazidis strikingly similar to Armenian Genocide

Former U.S. Ambassador to Armenia John Evans believes that the ISIS genocide against Christians and Yazidis in the Middle East is strikingly similar to the Armenian Genocide. “Unfortunately, I do see parallels. I mean, first of all, it’s ironically happening in almost the same areas of the Middle East,” he said during a panel celebrating …

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Turkey: UN report details allegations of serious rights violations in country’s southeast

The UN human rights office today published a report detailing allegations of massive destruction, killings and numerous other serious human rights violations committed between July 2015 and December 2016 in southeast Turkey. “I am particularly concerned by reports that no credible investigation has been conducted into hundreds of alleged unlawful killings, including women and children …

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Saida Ohanyan: «The inevitability of the fact of Western Armenia’s independence»

Since the Armenian Issue (Question) initiation (1878) and the period after the Genocide of the Armenians (1894-1923) the new agenda (national program) for the final settlement of the Armenian Issue has not been formed, with the exception of the Newest armed liberation struggle and activity program during 1973-1985 period. Instead Armenians abroad put on their …

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European Parliament Resolution on a political solution to the Armenian question, June 18, 1987

European Parliament Resolution on a political solution to the Armenian question, June 18, 1987 Doc. A2-33/87 The European Parliament, -having regard to the motion for a resolution tabled by Mr. Saby and others on behalf of the Socialist Group on a political solution to the Armenian question (Doc. 2-737/84),

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