Statement to the UN: “On the implementation of the Arbitral Award of 28th President of the United States of America Woodrow Wilson of 22 Novembe…”

(Shortened version)


On the implementation of the Arbitral Award of 28th President of the United States of America Woodrow Wilson of 22 November, 1920 with full name of «The decision of the President of the United States Woodrow Wilson on the establishment of the state border between Turkey and Armenia, the issue of Armenia’s borders maritime access and about the demilitarization of the Turkish territories adjoining the Armenian border»

Below is one of these two Appeals, namely one filed for the implementation of the Arbitral Award made by the 28th president of the United States, Woodrow Wilson on November, 22, 1920.

Note, that the presented text is the abbreviated and shortened version of the original Appeal.


(Shortened version)


On the implementation of the Arbitral Award of 28th President of the United States of America Woodrow Wilson of 22 November, 1920 with full name of «The decision of the President of the United States Woodrow Wilson on the establishment of the state border between Turkey and Armenia, the issue of Armenia’s borders maritime access and about the demilitarization of the Turkish territories adjoining the Armenian border»

Taking into consideration the Republic of Western Armenia (State of Armenia)
– Fully adopts the statutory goals and objectives of the United Nations;
– Has recognized and ratified the Charter of the United Nations;
– As a subject of international law – as a continuity state of Armenia of 1920s assumed all the rights and obligations of the State of Armenia;
– Recognized, acceded and ratified the most important international Treaties, Conventions and Declarations. (list is attached)

Taking into consideration background of the question when
– At the beginning of 1919 in Paris the Armenian National Congress was convened. Among the most important results of the Congress there was the election of «Delegation of United Armenia» co-chaired by Boghos Nubar and Avetis Aharonian and the approval of pre-prepared and presented on February 12, 1919 at the Paris Peace Conference a joint memorandum on the demands of the Armenians which included the rationale for the creation of an independent Armenian state and refined its territory which included seven vilayets of Western Armenia (including Trabzon), Republic of Armenia and Cilicia;
– On February 26, 1919 the United Delegation participated in the meeting of Council of Ten where they repeated the basic requirements of the memorandum. The delegation was also received (on April 17, 1919) by US President Woodrow Wilson who assured that he would do everything possible to protect the territorial claims of Armenians;
– In response to the submitted requirements of Armenian United National Delegation the Allied General Council adopted on January 19, 1920 the following decision and «de facto» recognized the State of Armenia:
1. The Government of the State of Armenia is recognized as the Government,
2. This decision does not predetermine the Armenian State’s border issue.

— In spite of human morality and the right to recognize the rights of Armenians to their historical homeland, in 1894-1923 the three successive Turkish governments: Sultan, Young Turk and Kemal committed a terrible crime – the Genocide of the Armenian people, its deportation from their historical homeland and the occupation of Western Armenia, which in turn led to tragic demographic changes resulted in an unprecedented decrease of the Armenian population in the region and as «additional dividends» for their crimes they have managed to change the natural balance between the peoples of Western Armenia;
– It’s already 98 years since the territory of Western Armenia remains occupied by Turkey;
– The governments of Great Britain, France and Russia were the first to condemn the Genocide of the Armenian people, who in their joint statement of May 24, 1915, characterized the actions of the Turkish government against Armenians as «crimes against humanity and civilization» and warned of the criminal responsibility of its organizers and performers»;
– The jurisdiction of the National Assembly (Parliament) of Western Armenia extends both to the citizens of the Republic of Western Armenia and to the territories of Western Armenia occupied by Turkey, which de jure and de facto are  regions of Western Armenia.

According to
– The Decree of the Government of Russia (SPC of Russia *the Soviet of People’s Commissars*) «About Turkish Armenia» («About Western Armenia») of January 11, 1918;
– The decision of the Supreme Council of the Allied Nations during the Paris Conference on de facto recognition of the independence of the State of Armenia of January 19, 1920,
– The decision of the Supreme Council of the Allied Nations on de jure recognition of the independence of the State of Armenia of May 11, 1920;
– The Declaration the independence of Armenian Cilicia, August 4, 1920;
– Sevres Peace Treaty (articles 88 – 93 which concerned the Armenian state) of August 10, 1920;
– The Arbitral decision of 28th President of the United States of America Woodrow Wilson of November 22, 1920 with full name of «The decision of the President of the United States Woodrow Wilson on the establishment of the state border between Turkey and Armenia, the issue of Armenia’s borders maritime access and about the demilitarization of the Turkish territories adjoining the Armenian border».

Taking into consideration that
– Based on the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples of September 13, 2007, the National Identity and Citizenship Institute of Armenians of Western Armenia was established on the basis of which the legal and political foundations of the Republic of Western Armenia (the State of Armenia) and its state structures were formed;
– In accordance with Article 21 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights since 2013 the Republic of Western Armenia (the State of Armenia) has formed absolutely legitimate bodies of state power – the National Assembly (Parliament), the Government and the Institute of Presidency;
– The Republic of Western Armenia (the State of Armenia) by adopting the relevant Laws, recognized, acceded and ratified the Charter of the United Nations and all most important International Treaties, Conventions and Declarations.

Taking into consideration that
– The First Republic of Armenia, subsequently the Second Republic of Armenia under the conditions of aggression and coercion (the Alexandropol Treaty of 02.12.1920 and the Kars Treaty of 13.10.1921) renounced the rights granted to the Armenian people in 1920 regarding unified Armenian claims, being forced to remain only within the jurisdiction of the Republic of Armenia, that is to say Eastern Armenia and the Armenians of Eastern Armenia.

Taking into consideration that
– The Treaty of Sevres is a peace treaty;
– Armed conflicts do not cease in the Middle East;
– The implementation of all the provisions of the Treaty of Sevres can be a decisive step in the establishment of genuine peace and cooperation in the Middle East;
– The borders of the states of the Middle East including the borders of the state of Armenia were approved by Sevres Peace Treaty concerning that there was the Arbitral Award of 28th US President Woodrow Wilson on November 22, 1920, but which has not been implemented yet.

 Taking into consideration that
– Armenians of Western Armenia like any nation in the world have the right to live, develop and have their future which means that they have the right to demand the establishment of their own state in their ancestral homeland – in Western Armenia;
– The Armenians of Western Armenia and the state structures of the Republic of Western Armenia (the State of Armenia) declare that they take up the defense of the rights granted to the Armenian people by the Sevres Peace Treaty and the Arbitral Award of 28th President of the United States of America Woodrow Wilson and to implement these rights to life acting as a continuity of the State of Armenia recognized de facto and de jure in 1920.

We appeal to you to implement and realize the establishment of the Republic of Western Armenia (the State of Armenia) within the territory established by the Arbitral Award of 28th US President Woodrow Wilson.

This Statement «On the Implementation of the Arbitral Award of 28th President of the United States of America Woodrow Wilson on November 22, 1920» was adopted by the Government and the National Assembly (Parliament) of Western Armenia on May 29, 2018 at the 7th session of the National Assembly (Parliament) of Western Armenia of the first convocation.
(An extract from the Protocol of the 7th session is attached, the original is in Armenian and the translation is in Russian).

President of the Republic of Western Armenia
Radik Khamoyan

Prime Minister of the Republic of Western Armenia
Tigran Pashabezyan

President of the National Assembly (Parliament) of Western Armenia
Armen Ter-Sarkisyan

May 29, 2018

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