STATEMENT – On errors, omissions and unacceptable wordings contained in the Resolution of the European Parliament “On a Political Solution to the Armenian Question” of June 18, 1987

To the President of the European Parliament Mr David Sassoli,

members of the European Parliament,

to the Parliaments of the European Union



 On errors, omissions and unacceptable wordings contained in the Resolution of the European Parliament “On a Political Solution to the Armenian Question” of June 18, 1987

(Shortened version for media)

By this Statement, the Republic of Western Armenia (State of Armenia) addresses the European Parliament with a proposal.


Whereas the fact that:

– the title of the Resolution of the European Parliament “On a Political Solution to the Armenian Question” of June 18, 1987 does not correspond to the content of the document, because there is no word or sentence that in content would have any direct relation to the Armenian Question (Cause),

– the document bypasses and ignores decisions adopted in 1918, 1919-1920 on the Armenian Question: Decree of the Government of Russia (Council of People’s Commissars) “On Turkish Armenia” dated January 11, 1918 (On Western Armenia); Decisions of the Supreme Council of Allied states on the de facto (January 19, 1920) and de jure (May 11, 1920) recognition of the independence of the State of Armenia; Report-proposal submitted by the Special Commission of the Paris Peace Conference on the borders between the State of Armenia and the republics of Azerbaijan and Georgia (February 24, 1920),;
Report-counting presented by Paris Peace Conference Ad Hoc Committee (April 14, 1919);

Articles of Sevres Peace Treaty (as a part of the Compensation / Damage Assessment Commission) on material damage caused to the Armenian people during the First World War (Articles 88-93 of which concerned the Armenian state, August 10, 1920);

– the document concerns the rights of the Armenians of Turkey, Iran and the Soviet Union, and each time the Armenian people are referred to as a “minority”. In other words, the fact of the existence of the Armenian population in the Republic of Armenia and in the Armenian Diaspora as a united Armenian community is ignored, and naturally, from this perspective all decisions on the rights granted to the Armenian people adopted in 1918, 1919-1920 are also ignored. It is no accident that the final part of the document additionally indicates the countries to which this document will be sent – Turkey, Iran and the Soviet Union,

and, taking into account the above facts, offers:

 to correct and present the document completely in the new edition in the form of the Resolution of the European Parliament “On the legal and political solution to the Armenian Question”.

Part 1

The Resolution of the European Parliament “On a Political Solution to the Armenian Question” of June 18, 1987, adopted by deputies of those years and that generation, contained gross errors, omissions, unacceptable and unforgivable formulations that do not correspond to past and present realities and facts related to the decision of the Armenian Question.

One of the main reasons for mistakes, omissions and unacceptable formulations was the approach in which the Armenian Question and the problem of ethnic and religious minorities in Turkey were considered in the Resolution together and as equivalent realities. Meanwhile, these two problems – the Armenian Question, its solution and the problem of the Armenian national religious minority in Turkey – are in completely different legal and political contexts.

Those who prepared the document, did not take into account the decisions adopted on the Armenian Question: the Decree of the Government of Russia, the Decisions adopted by the Paris Peace Conference, as well as the Sevres Peace Treaty and the Arbitral Award of the 28th US President Woodrow Wilson. Thereby, in fact, they sent the states members of the European Union along the false and erroneous way of resolving the Armenian Question.

Below we quote all the wordings, paragraphs and articles of the Resolution in all sections and list the errors, omissions and unacceptable formulations in the Resolution and give their correct interpretations and justifications based on existing facts and realities.

  1. The Resolution says:

“The European Parliament,

– having regard to the motion for a resolution tabled by Mr. Saby and others on behalf of the Socialist Group on a political solution to the Armenian question (Doc. 2-737/84),

– having regard to the motion for a resolution tabled by Mr. Kolokotronis on the Armenian question and the declaration of 24 April as Armenian Genocide Day (Doc, V 2-360/85),

– having regard to the report of the Political Affairs Committee (Doc. 2-33/87),

  1. having regard to:

– the motion for a resolution by Mr. Jaquet and others on the situation of the Armenian people (Doc. 1-782/81),

– the motion for a resolution by Mrs. Duport and Mr. Glinne on behalf of the Socialist Group on a political solution to the Armenian question (Doc. 1-735/83), and

– the written question by Mrs. Duport on the Armenian question”.

 Our explanation and arguments:

Given such a detailed exposition of all the above-mentioned documents, the approach remains unclear, according to which in the Resolution “On the Political Solution to the Armenian Question” the Armenian Question was constantly identified with the issue of the rights of the Armenian national religious minority in Turkey. This means that both the proposal made by “Mr. Saby and others on behalf of the Socialist Group on a political solution to the Armenian question” and also the above mentioned documents either did not contain any serious proposals to resolve the Armenian Question, or the European Parliament did not take them into account, bypassed them, remaining within the framework of the issues “On the Rights of the Armenian national religious minority in Turkey” and the recognition of the Armenian Genocide.

We are inclined to believe that the above mentioned documents, nevertheless, contained serious proposals on the settlement of the Armenian Question, but for political reasons the deputies of the European Parliament did not take them into account.

Meanwhile, the decisions not only on political, but also on legal, territorial and material compensation on the Armenian Question were adopted back in 1918, 1919-1920.

These decisions were made, but not implemented to this day. That is the whole problem.

2. The Resolution says:

“A. having regard to:

  • the motion for a resolution by Mr. Jaquet and others on the situation of the Armenian people (Doc. 1-782/81)”.

Our explanation and arguments:

Incorrect wording. As follows from the further presentation and the logic of the Resolution itself, this is a document on the situation of the Armenian people, where the wording “the situation of the Armenian people” means the situation of the Armenian “minority” in Turkey and citizens of Armenian ethnicity living in the Soviet Union, i.e. questions regarding their individual freedoms.

In fact, after the Genocide and deportation of Armenians, the Armenian people, scattered all over the world, continued to live in exile, with violated rights, and hoped that the international community, including the European Parliament, would one day return to the issue of the rights of the Armenian people, to a final and fair solution to the Armenian Question, and finally, will deal with this issue according to the spirit and letter of the rights granted to the Armenian people.

 3. The Resolution says:

“- the resolution of the Ministers with responsibility for Cultural Affairs, meeting within the Council of 13 November 1986 on the protection of Europe’s architectural heritage, including that outside the territory of the Community”.

“8. Considers that the protection of monuments and the maintenance and conservation of the Armenian religious architectural heritage in Turkey must be considered as part of a wider policy designed to preserve the cultural heritage of all civilizations which have developed over the centuries on present-day Turkish territory and, in particular, that of the Christian minorities that formed part of the Ottoman Empire”.

“9. Calls therefore on the Community to extend the Association Agreement with Turkey to the cultural field so that the remains of Christian or other civilizations such as the ancient classical, Hittite, Ottoman, etc., in that country are preserved and made generally accessible”.

Our explanation and arguments:

This is a very belated decision, but even that, in the future, had no practical implementation.

Is belated, because from 1894-1896, 1909, 1915-1918, 1919-1923 and from 1924 to the present, all successive Turkish governments intentionally destroyed Armenian spiritual, cultural, historical and architectural monuments, churches and church complexes, trying thus erasing the Armenian footprint in the Armenian territories and in the Ottoman Empire, and then throughout the territory of the Republic of Turkey, thus realizing the Genocide of Armenian culture.

According to official figures, by the beginning of 1914 the total number of churches and monasteries in Western Armenia and the Ottoman Empire was 2549 (including unique early Christian monuments of the IV-V centuries). Most of them were robbed, burned, and destroyed during the Genocide.

According to UNESCO in 1974, after 1923, out of 913 preserved Armenian historical and architectural monuments, 464 were completely destroyed, 252 are in ruins, and 197 need to be rebuilt. And today there is almost nothing to restore – the governments of the Republic of Turkey systematically destroyed them.

It is also necessary to mention the crimes committed by the successive governments of the three republics of Azerbaijan in Artsakh, Nakhichevan and other territories inhabited by Armenians. This is the destruction of the Armenian spiritual, cultural, historical, architectural monuments, churches, khachkars (stone crosses) on the orders of the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan, which began in 1918, from the day it was formed and continues to this day. The Republic of Azerbaijan is a state whose government destroyed and continues to destroy many of the greatest ancient monuments, churches – the cultural heritage of the Armenian people. A glaring example of this is the destruction of 89 medieval Armenian churches, 5480 khachkars and 22,700 tombstones, including 400 khachkars in Aghulis and the destruction in 2005 in Nakhichevan of thousands of medieval original and ancient khachkars of Jugha.

US Senator Bill Barton announced on March 2, 2016: “Azerbaijan deliberately destroyed more Armenian monuments than the terrorists did in the Middle East”. (Azerbaijan Destroys More Armenian Monuments Than the Terrorists Do in the Middle East – US Ex-Senator,, April 20, 2019)

Contrary to these obvious facts, UNESCO, for some strange reason, in the summer of 2019 held the 43rd session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee in Baku, in the capital of the Republic of Azerbaijan, that is perceived by the Azerbaijani authorities, probably as an encouragement to continue with impunity the destruction of Armenian monuments and the Armenian footprint in the region in the same vein.

In turn, the terrorists operating in the Middle East, not without permission from the authorities of the Republic of Turkey, reached the Armenian church monument the Holy Martyrs in Der Zor in northern Syria, where the remains of the victims of the Armenian Genocide, the bonnes collected in the desert are kept. On September 21, 2014, terrorists blew up the monument.

In connection with all these facts, neither European states, nor other members of the International Community, nor the European Parliament, nor the European Union have reacted, prevented, or condemned during XX century up today this monstrous state terror and genocide against the Armenian civilization and Armenian culture, implemented by the governments of Turkey and Azerbaijan.

4. The Resolution says:

“C. whereas the Armenian side regards these events as planned genocide within the meaning of the 1948 UN Convention”.

Our explanation and arguments:

Not only Armenians call this “planned genocide”, but also others – states, organizations, scientists and intellectuals.

We give two examples.

From Verdict of the Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal on the Armenian Genocide (April 16, 1984)

“The Tribunal hereby finds that:

  1. the Young Turk government is guilty of this genocide, with regard to the acts perpetrated between 1915-1917;
  2. the Armenian Genocide is also an ‘international crime’ for which the Turkish state must assume responsibility, without using the pretext of any discontinuity in the existence of the state to elude that responsibility;
  3. this responsibility implies first and foremost the obligation to recognize officially the reality of this genocide and the consequent damages suffered by the Armenian people;
  4. the United Nations Organization and each of its members have the right to demand this recognition and to assist the Armenian people to that end”.


“The Armenian translation of the book authored by Turkish historian, expert in genocide studies Taner Akçam “Killing Orders: Talaat Pasha’s Telegrams and the Armenian Genocide ” has been published. The book presents unique telegrams that refute the main thesis of Turkish denialism. They prove that there have been orders for killings given by Talaat Pasha. The author assures that the study and publication of the documents are the greatest blow to the Turkish denialism”. Taner Akçam’s new book on Armenian Genocide makes Turkish denialist historiography “fake news” – “Killing Orders: Talaat Pasha’s Telegrams and the Armenian Genocide ”book translated into Armenian, “Armenpress”, 22 April, 2019. (

It is also worth quoting a recent study by Israeli scholars that successive Turkish governments in 1894-1924 destroyed about 4 million Ottoman citizens: Armenians, Greeks and Assyrians, in that number more than 1.5 million Armenians. (Israeli Researchers: Turkey’s Greek, Armenian, and Assyrian Christians Destroyed by ‘30-year Genocide’, by Jack Montgomery, 19 May 2019.


5. The Resolution says:

“F. whereas the historically proven Armenian Genocide has so far neither been the object of political condemnation nor received due compensation”.

Our explanation and arguments:

Yes, it is truly “the historically proven Armenian Genocide ”. However assessment is incorrect. Since the “historically proven Armenian Genocide ” was subjected to both political and legal condemnation, and an Arbitral Award on territorial compensation was issued.

But about all this in order.

Armenian Genocide was condemned in 1896, 1909, 1915, 1919.

1894-96 period: The Hamidian massacres and killings of 1894-1896 were condemned by prominent figures of that time – Jean Jaurès, Victor Bérard, Anatole France, Johannes Lepsius, Lynch and others.

On May 24th, 1915 the governments of Great Britain, France and Russia came up with special Joint Declaration, in which the Turkish actions against Armenians in April 1915 were classified as “Turkey ‘s new crime against humanity and civilization.” In particular, the text states that: “In view of those new crimes of Turkey against humanity and civilization, the Allied governments announce publicly to the Sublime-Porte that they will hold personally responsible [for] these crimes all members of the Ottoman government and those of their agents who are implicated in such massacres”.


The Ottoman Empire, which committed the Armenian Genocide, was one of the first to recognize and condemn it. The Special Military Tribunal of Constantinople organized in 1919–1920 a trial of the leaders of the Young Turks leaders, presenting them with the following two accusations: a) Involvement of the Ottoman Empire in the First World War, b) Organization of massacre, genocide and expulsion of Armenians loyal to Empire. As a result the court sentenced in absentia to death many of the Young Turk leaders, including Talaat, Enver, Jemal and Nazim, Kemal Bey, Cemal Azmin and Naim Bey, Behaeddin Shakir. This decision was later implemented by Armenian avengers via the retaliation operation “Nemesis”.

It should be noted that before the adoption of the Resolution in 1987 by the European Parliament, the Armenian Genocide was already recognized and condemned by Uruguay in 1965 and Cyprus in 1982.

Currently, the Armenian Genocide has been recognized and condemned by 39 states, several UN committees (1985), the Council of Europe (1998, 2001), the European Parliament (1987, 2000, 2002, 2015), World Council of Churches (1983), Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal (1984), etc.

It should also be added that the Special Compensation Committee at the Paris Peace Conference on March 7, 1919 formed a separate body – the Special Commission, which a month later, on April 14, 1919, submitted a report on material losses suffered by Armenia during the First World War, in which was presented the total amount of material damage inflicted to Western Armenia and Eastern Armenia – the amount of 19.130.982.000 French francs.

The above mentioned facts prove that compensation for damage caused to the Armenian people and Armenia, including compensation for material losses, should have occurred in the execution of the Sevres Peace Treaty and the provisions of the Wilson Arbitral Award, because this issue has been resolved, signed, approved, but not implemented.

Moreover, in 1923, after the conference in Lausanne, all this was deliberately forgotten.

It is precisely because of these unforgivable, incomprehensible and absolutely inappropriate concessions made at the expense of the Armenian Question that the current authorities of the Republic of Turkey have chosen the path of permissiveness in international relations, since it always went unpunished for the crimes committed.

Often with the connivance or tacit consent of the international community, Turkey pursues an aggressive policy towards the peoples and states of the Greater Middle East.

In 1974, the Turkish armed forces invaded the northern regions of the Republic of Cyprus, repeating the story of the killings, destruction and deportations of the Greeks and Armenians. These territories are still occupied by Turkey.

Terrorist groups operating in the Middle East undergo military training, arm and group in Turkey, and then invade Syria.

The Turkish armed forces, with false slogans of peace, are invading the northern regions of the Syrian Arab Republic and it is not known how long this new occupation will last.

Currently, Turkey is preparing to invade Libya, citing some pretexts and referring to certain agreements.

The impunity of the Turkish government for the occupation of the northern part of the Republic of Cyprus in 1974 led to the fact that the current leadership of the Republic of Turkey continues to cynically violate all international law, including UN Resolutions 541 and 550, addressed to the states of the world on the non-recognition of the state formation of Northern Cyprus as Turkey’s annexed northern part of the Republic of Cyprus in 1974.

We are all witnesses of what the Republic of Turkey has been doing lately – literally today in the Greater Middle East and the Mediterranean, inflicting irreparable damage to the statehood and sovereignty of the republics of Syria, Iraq and Cyprus, and most importantly, to the lives of the peoples living there.

The Azerbaijani-Turkish aggression and war crime against Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh), Armenia and the Armenian people on September 27, 2020, using international terrorist groups and Israeli-Turkish UAVs, once again proved that this is another war of barbarism against civilization, and that the liberation of the Armenian Highlands, the cradle and the crossroads of civilizations is a historical and vital necessity for the survival of humanity and the further development of civilization.

And this Turkish lawlessness must be put to an end.

6. The Resolution says:

“G. whereas the recognition of the Armenian Genocide by Turkey must therefore be viewed as a profoundly humane act of moral rehabilitation towards the Armenians, which can only bring honor to the Turkish Government”. 

Our explanation and arguments.

We note here that these wording is understandable, but incomplete. Because “towards the Armenians” there are questions of other rights besides moral – political, territorial and material restitution, which we discussed in more detail in other sections of this Statement.

7. The Resolution says:

“H. profoundly regretting and condemning the mindless terrorism by groups of Armenians who were responsible between 1973 and 1986 of several attacks causing death or injury to innocent victims and deplored by an overwhelming majority of the Armenian people,

  1. whereas the obdurate stance of every Turkish Government towards the Armenian question has in no way helped to reduce the tension,
  1. Believes that the Armenian question and the question of minorities in Turkey must be resituated within the framework of relations between Turkey and the Community; points out that democracy cannot be solidly implanted in a country unless the latter recognizes and enriches its history with its ethnic and cultural diversity”.

“12. Condemns strongly any violence and any form of terrorism carried out by isolated groupings unrepresentative of the Armenian people, and calls for reconciliation between Armenians and Turks”.

Our explanation and arguments.

First of all, we’ll make it clear that three and more successive governments of Turkey from 1894 to 1923 and after that until now have carried out and are carrying out planned acts of state terrorism, Armeniaphobia, genocide, deportation, cultural genocide against the Armenian people.

We also make it clear that the Armenian people, who were deported, were deprived of all rights after 1920, were waiting for long and painful years with the hope that they would one day remember and undertake the restoration of their violated rights.  Waiting in vain. And the events that took place in 1973-1986, described in the Resolution as acts of “violence and any form of terrorism carried out by isolated groupings unrepresentative of the Armenian people” (paragraph 12), were in fact acts against the state terrorist machine of Turkey, its institutions and officials in order to start the liberation struggle, protect and restore the violated and ignored rights of the Armenian people. It was a heroic battle of soldiers dedicated to the liberation of their homeland against a terrorist state.

And as Leclerc, one of the defense attorneys at the Paris jury trial, said in January 1984, “They can argue that these guys are not soldiers, Armenia and Turkey are not fighting, as if the soldiers only have the right to bear arms, to kill at any time. They can turn the city of Dresden into ruins, drop a bomb on Hiroshima, kill millions of people, including women and children. And since Armenia no longer exists, it cannot create a “regular” army.

This is really strange logic. But Turkey executed Armenian men without declaring war, killed old people, women and children, filled ships with orphans, deported to foreign countries. You Turks think this is enough, the war is over. But is it over for the Armenians from whom the cradle was taken and who want to survive?

No, these guys are not terrorists, they are soldiers of the Armenian people, the people who do not have diplomatic representations, means of pressure on the states, but they live, survive thanks to culture, language, children, as well as heroes and martyrs. Especially thanks to the soldiers you judge today. Even if you condemn, remember that you condemn the soldier”.

Thus, in the Resolution, to call the actions of the Armenian youth of those years as “mindless terrorism”, acts “of violence and any forms of terrorism” is nothing more than open patronage of state terrorism unleashed by Turkey.

 8. The Resolution says:

“2. Believes that the tragic events in 1915-1917 involving the Armenians living in the territory of the Ottoman Empire constitute genocide within the meaning of the Convention “On the prevention and the punishment of the crime of genocide” adopted by the UN General Assembly on 9 December 1948;

Recognizes, however, that the present Turkey cannot be held responsible for the tragedy experienced by the Armenians of the Ottoman Empire and stresses that neither political nor legal or material claims against present-day Turkey can be derived from the recognition of this historical event as an act of genocide”.

Our explanation and arguments.

Incorrect wording. The Republic of Turkey as the successor state of the Ottoman Empire has legal, political, territorial and material obligations to the Armenian people and Armenia.

Note these obligations.

The Republic of Turkey is obliged to recognize and condemn the Armenian Genocide, which the Special Military Tribunal of Constantinople 1919-1920 put forward as the second indictment of the leaders of the Young Turks.

Turkey was obliged from the date of the decision of the 28th US President Woodrow Wilson, that is, from November 22, 1920 to demilitarize the territory specified in this decision and transfer it to Armenia. This is stated both in the Sevres Peace Treaty and in the Arbitral Award of Woodrow Wilson.

The Republic of Turkey was obliged and remains obligated to pay compensation to the Armenian people in the amount of 19,130,982,000 French francs, according to the calculation presented on April 14, 1919 in the report of the Special Compensation Commission at the Paris Peace Conference, as compensation for material damage suffered by Armenia during the First World War.

True, this report in no way expresses losses, including not only material losses suffered by the Armenian people during the Armenian Genocide, that is, the Armenian Genocide committed by the successive governments of Turkey in 1894-1923, and the Armenian Genocide committed by the successive governments of Azerbaijan in 1918-2016.

Assessment and crimes count of the successive governments of Turkey and Azerbaijan, as well as the losses incurred by the Armenian people and Armenia, and not only material, are not yet fully completed, and applications have not yet been prepared and submitted to the relevant international bodies.

The Resolution mentions the United Nations General Assembly Convention of December 9, 1948 “On the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide,” but does not mention the United Nations General Assembly Convention of November 26, 1968 “On the Non-Applicability of Statutory Limitations to War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity”, which is a very serious omission.

To summarize. In fact, the European Parliament circumvented and ignored all these facts and documents presented here, and the solution of the Armenian issue is equated to the issue of “the right of the Armenian national religious minority in Turkey”; and if Turkey recognizes the Armenian Genocide – it considers as a “humane act of moral rehabilitation towards the Armenians”.

9. The Resolution says:

“3. Calls on the Council to obtain from the present Turkish Government as acknowledgment of the genocide perpetrated against the Armenians in 1915-1917 and promote the establishment of a political dialogue between Turkey and the representatives of the Armenians”.

Our explanation and arguments.

Incomprehensible wording. If for the solution of the Armenian Question were made the special decisions in 1918, 1919-1920, then sooner or later they should have been implemented. What is the point of “the establishment of a political dialogue between Turkey and the representatives of the Armenians” if the efforts of one side to avoid punishment and reparations are excluded at all costs from the agenda.

10. The Resolution says:

“10. Expresses its concern at the difficulties currently being experienced by the Armenian community in Iran with respect to the Armenian language and their own education in accordance with the rules of their own religion”.

 Our explanation and arguments.

This idea is based on false data and incorrectly formulated. Unlike the republics of Turkey and Azerbaijan, the Islamic Republic of Iran is one of the countries where the Armenian community lives a full educational, spiritual, cultural, national and public life. Armenian cultural monuments in this country are under the tutelage and protection of the state and are often repaired and restored at the expense of state funds.

11. The Resolution says:

“11. Condemns the violations of individual freedoms committed in the Soviet Union against the Armenian population”.

Our explanation and arguments.

As in the previous paragraph, this idea is based on false data and incorrectly formulated. In the Soviet Union, including Soviet Armenia, the personal freedoms of citizens were limited in the same way as for citizens of all republics – members of the Union, including Russians.

If the restrictions on freedoms for Armenians were sometimes extreme, this is due to the deliberately “nationalistic” qualification of the patriotic aspirations of the Armenians, as dictated and enshrined in Article 7 of the Moscow Treaty of March 16, 1921 between the Government of the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic and the Great Turkish National Assembly, where it is noted:

“Both contracting Parties hereby promise never to allow the formation or presence of organizations of groups that lay claim to the government of the other Contracting Party or of a portion of its territories, as well as of any group that exist with the purpose of struggle against the other nation, within their territories. Russia and Turkey assume the same responsibilities with regard to the Soviet Republics of the Caucasus under the condition of reciprocity”. – (

12. The Resolution says:

“14. Commits itself to making a substantial contribution to initiatives to encourage negotiations between the Armenian and Turkish peoples”.

 Our explanation and arguments.

With the help of this article, the interest of the European Union in the topic and content of the Protocols initiated in Switzerland in 2009 between the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Turkey becomes clear. However, there is a noticeable contradiction between some articles of the Resolution and the above Protocols.

For example, if the Resolution states “the historically proven Armenian Genocide ”, then how and why the “proposal to create a special commission of historians on the Armenian Genocide ” was included in the Protocols signed by the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Turkey?

13. The Resolution says:

“15. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Commission, the European Council, the Foreign Ministers meeting in political cooperation, the EEC/Turkey Association Council and the Turkish, Iranian and Soviet Governments and the UN Secretary General”.

Addressees of this Statement

This Statement of the Republic of Western Armenia (State of Armenia) “On erroneous and unacceptable wordings contained in the Resolution of the European Parliament “On a Political Solution to the Armenian Question” of June 18, 1987, and on the need to amend them and re-edit”, we address and send:

– to the President of the European Parliament, deputies of the European Parliament, the Council of Europe,

– as well as to the parliaments and governments of the countries members of the European Union,

– also, as stated in the final part of the Resolution “On a Political Solution to the Armenian Question”, adopted by the European Parliament on June 18, 1987, to the political Commission of the European Parliament, the ministers of foreign affairs of the countries of European Economic Cooperation, to the EU-Turkey Association Council, as well as to the governments of the Republic Turkey, the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Russian Federation and the UN Secretary General.

 Part 2

 As a continuation of this Statement, it was submitted:

  1. Legal and political foundations of the Republic of Western Armenia (State of Armenia) for the preparation of an application and its submission to the European Parliament;
  2. Background of the Armenian Question in 1918, 1919-1920.
  3. Information on four statements of the Republic of Western Armenia (State of Armenia) by sent to the UN and permanent members of the UN Security Council on the implementation of the rights granted by Armenians in 1918-1920:
  • Application for membership of the Republic of Western Armenia (State of Armenia) in the United Nations of May 25, 2018.
  • Statement of the Republic of Western Armenia (State of Armenia) to the United Nations «On the implementation of the Arbitral Award of the 28th President of the United States of America Woodrow Wilson of November 22, 1920 “The Decision of the President of the United States Woodrow Wilson on the establishment of the State border between Turkey and Armenia, about Armenia’s excess to the sea and the demilitarization of adjacent Turkish Armenian border territories”, aimed at establishing the Republic of Western Armenia (State of Armenia) within the territories established by the Arbitral Award of the 28th US President Woodrow Wilson of May 29, 2018;
  • Statement of the Republic of Western Armenia (State of Armenia) to the United Nations “On demilitarization of the territories of Western Armenia and Cilicia and withdrawal of the occupation forces of the Republic of Turkey” of November 20, 2018;
  • Statement of the Republic of Western Armenia (State of Armenia) to the United Nations “On demarcation of the border between the State of Armenia and the Republic of Azerbaijan” of August 7, 201 

Solution on this Application:

“On errors, omissions and unacceptable wordings contained in the Resolution of the European Parliament “On a Political Solution to the Armenian Question” of June 18, 1987 was adopted by the National Assembly (Parliament) of Western Armenia on December 28, 2019 at the 2-th session of the National Assembly (Parliament) of Western Armenia of the 2-th convocation.

Radik Khamoyan

President of the Republic of Western Armenia (Armenia)

 Tigran Pashabezyan

Prime Minister of the Republic of Western Armenia (Armenia)

 Armen Ter-Sarkisyan

President of the National Assembly (Parliament) of Western Armenia

 December 5, 2020

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